Integrating technology into the classroom is part of Reflective Learning, LLC Common Core State Standards Implementation Workshops. Writing Standard 6 is part of those workshops. This standard asks students to “explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers” with guidance from adults. This standard progresses to the point where in grade 11-12, students are asked to utilize technology to “produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing projects in response to ongoing feedback.” If you’re looking for virtual resources to assist with this standard, try some of the ideas listed below. Additionally, you may want to log in to our site to see other resources related to this standard. User name=your email address and access code=writingstandard6
Kid Blog offers a safe environment for educators and students alike, offering a unique spot for students to publish their work.
ReadWriteThink has some great resources. One I like is the interactive ReadWriteThink Printing Press where student develop and publish a piece of writing online.
Google Docs allows a group of students to collaborate on a piece of writing. They collaborate by upload the writing, simultaneously editing that writing, and view those revisions from anywhere.
TypeWithMe allows students to collaboratively compose one piece of writing while identifying different editors in different colors of text. You can view a video tutorial of this site on YouTube.
Museum Box offers students a virtual box to store content related to a topic. As students complete online research, they can drop the artifacts, pictures, videos, etc. into their box. As they develop their final writing, they can access their box to pull from their organized resources.
The write me a story feature on this site allows students to write a story and submit it to the site. Additionally students are encouraged to vote for their favorite story based on all that were submitted.
World of Reading allows students to publish book reviews online and read book reviews written by other students. An educator may want to allow students to collaboratively write the reviews before submitting them online.
Figment is a place where middle and high school students can publish their writing and read the writing of other young writers.