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Instructional Coaching


Building a Sustainable Coaching System of Support

Why is instructional coaching important and how can it be successfully implemented in schools?  This series is for educational leaders who are responsible for the implementation and management of instructional coaching within a school.  Through this tailored series, participants will explore the various types of instructional coaching and analyze which structure best meets the needs of their school.  Continuous coaching will provides instructional coaches with practical strategies as they begin to implement coaching. Topics may include: effective instructional design and delivery, creating a common language around effective instructional practices, creating structures to hear and learn from all stakeholders, motivating and supporting teachers, conducting meaningful instructional-based conversations, and accountability.


Making the Most of Instructional Learning Walks

Engaging in instructional learning walks provides an opportunity for educational leaders to participate in collaborative team reflection in order to improve teacher instruction and student learning.  Walks provide a powerful avenue for leaders to reflect on what is working and what may need attention. In this series of tailored training and coaching sessions, participants will explore how to recognize effective instructional lesson design and instructional practices, ways to build a culture focused on instructional excellence, strategies to assist teachers, methods for building a sustainable structure and the importance of assessments.  





Designing Lessons that Matter

Designing powerful lessons is the beginning step to helping students understand rigorous content and apply it in meaningful ways.  Through intentional design, lessons can lead to deeper learning and retention of taught information. This series of tailored workshop and coaching experiences supports educators as they explore how to design and deliver impactful lessons.  Topics may include: creating a common language around rigorous instruction, integrating technology in a meaningful way, incorporating effective instructional strategies, and creating authentic performance tasks.


Authentic Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is an engaging way to help students learn personal, career and academic skills in a relevant way.   Through this series, participants will explore how PBL helps students connect real-world application to academic knowledge.  Participants will learn how to successfully plan projects which are rigorous, integrate technology, actively engage students and encourage students to reflective learners. Activities include: exploring exemplary PBL lessons and teaching practices, strategies to manage PBL, and ways to authentically assess classroom projects.   


Impactful Reading and Writing Instruction

When implemented properly the components of a balanced literacy program can have a powerful impact on student learning.  In this series, participants will gain an understanding of the importance of each part of balanced literacy. Through tailored workshops and coaching, participants may explore the guiding principles of an effective reading and writing workshop, habits of proficient readers and writers, strategies to design and support reading and writing goals, strategies to differentiate instruction through conferences, conversations and small groups, and ways to effectively assess writing.


Collaborative Co-Teaching

What are the types of co-teaching and which type is best for your school? How can it be successfully implementing to ensure students benefit the most?  This series of trainings helps schools analyze their current practices and investigate ways co-teaching can successfully be implemented to help their students better learn needed content. Participants leave with a deeper understanding of co-teaching structures and strategies. Activities include:  exploring types co-teaching, applying co-teaching organizational frameworks, planning for co-teaching and practicing a variety of co-teaching strategies.


Thinking Deeper with the Next-Generation Science Standards

What are the Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how they be utilized to help students think deeper about science?  This series of trainings helps schools analyze their current practices and investigate ways the NGSS can be utilized to create more meaningful lessons for students. Participants leave with a greater understanding of the three dimensions of NGSS and how they can be woven into any science lesson. Activities include:  exploring NGSS, examining free NGSS teaching resources, participating in a wide-variety of NGSS teaching strategies, planning NGSS-aligned lessons and creating rigorous NGSS assessments.

"I’m walking away from today’s session with so much new information! I love the shared strategies for connecting data to classroom teaching practices. I not only received a lot of great information today but also was also able to process the information with the group at my table. Thanks for making the session both informative and engaging."


-Assistant Superintendent 

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Reflective Learning, LLC

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